Visit to Visakhapatnam

Visit to Visakhapatnam – AIA

Axis Colleges organized an educational exploration of Visakhapatnam’s captivating landscapes, providing our architecture students.

They got the chance to unveil Vizag’s concealed treasures in anticipation of the eagerly awaited Zonal NASA Convention.

Their remarkable journey of this visit to Visakhapatnam began at RK Beach, where the meeting of sea and horizon ignited their creative spirits.

Next, they ventured into the lush paradise of Araku Valley, where serene vistas unveiled architectural secrets that sparked their imagination.

The expedition continued with a visit to Visakhapatnam to the awe-inspiring Borra Caves, a natural cathedral showcasing intricate designs formed over millennia.

Their odyssey led them to the Ananthagiri Coffee Plantation, immersing them in the realm of sustainable architecture amid the soothing scent of coffee.

At the Tribal Museum, they discovered architectural elements reflecting the essence of tradition.

Finally, at Damuku View Point, they witnessed the sun’s grandeur, a poignant reminder that architecture can seamlessly harmonize with nature.

This journey was more than a sightseeing tour; it was a profound design pilgrimage, drawing inspiration from the world around us.

We eagerly anticipate our creative minds translating these experiences into innovative designs at the forthcoming Zonal NASA Convention.


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